Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS)
Date of this Version
Spring 5-1-2013
Wilson, K. M. & Friedrich, L.A. (2013, May). Empowering Literacy Instruction with iPads: Teacher Reflection in a Multilayered Professional Development Approach. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Assocition, San Francisco, CA.
This collective case study (Stake, 1995) examines teacher growth in applying mobile technology to teaching and learning as evidenced in reflections on integrating iPads as teaching and learning tools in a university clinical setting. Graduate students, who were new to tablet technology, were given iPads during a summer session course to use as part of their course requirements and for personal use. Each participant successfully incorporated this technology in completing course assignments, creatively tutoring an elementary grade child with reading and writing difficulties, coaching a preservice teacher in the Secondary Special Education program during tutoring, and communicating with instructors.