Education and Human Sciences, College of (CEHS)


Date of this Version



Trainin, G., Yoon, HJ., Valerio-Boster, L., & D'Adamo, K. (2024). Art TEAMS Report Year Two.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Copyright 2024, the authors. Used by permission


The Art TEAMS Year 2 Report outlines the progress and achievements of a grant-funded teacher professional learning initiative in art education. Focusing on integrating visual and emerging media arts into various subjects, the project has significantly surpassed its goals, evidencing its success through both qualitative and quantitative assessments. The wide-ranging engagement from educators across different settings underscores the initiative's effectiveness and its role in fostering a vibrant community committed to excellence in art education.

The curriculum developed for teacher professional development spans 8 graduate-level classes, focusing on pedagogy and emerging media arts, and is supported by a dedicated website for recruitment and information dissemination. The research and evaluation team employed a comprehensive approach to data collection and analysis, ensuring a deep understanding of the program's impact. The evaluation revealed that the project met most Government Performance and Results Act measures, with specific success in teacher efficacy and curriculum integration.

Year 2 also highlighted the program's dissemination achievements, including increased digital outreach and participation in national conferences, demonstrating the project's commitment to sharing its successes and learnings with a broader audience. Despite these successes, the initiative faced challenges, particularly in fully achieving teacher collective self-efficacy and a sense of belonging within schools, indicating areas for future focus.

The report showcases the Art TEAMS project's significant contributions to art education, emphasizing the importance of collaborative, creative teaching practices and the potential for arts integration to enhance educational outcomes across disciplines.

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