Direct Measurement of Ion Accumulation at the Electrode Electrolyte Interface under an Oscillatory Electric Field, Ravi F. Saraf
High-Resolution Thin-Film Device to Sense Texture by Touch, Ravi F. Saraf and Vivek Maheshwari
High-Resolution Thin-Film Device to Sense Texture by Touch, Ravi F. Saraf and Vivek Maheshwari
High-resolution touch sensor , Tom Simons
Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles on Live Bacterium: An avenue to fabricate Electronic Devices, Vikas Berry and Ravi F. Saraf
Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles on Live Bacterium: An Avenue to Fabricate Electronic Devices, Ravi F. Saraf and Vikas Berry
Deposition of CTAB-Terminated Nanorods on Bacteria to Form Highly Conducting Hybrid Systems, Ravi F. Saraf, Catherine J. Murphy, Subrata Kundu, Anand Gole, and Vikas Berry
Highly Selective, Electrically Conductive Monolayer of Nanoparticles on Live Bacteria, V Berry, RangaSwamy S, and Ravi F. Saraf
Manufacturing of Novel Continuous Nanocrystalline Ceramic Nanofibers with Superior Mechanical Properties, Yuris A. Dzenis, Ruqiang Feng, Gustavo F. Larsen, Joseph Turner, and Xiao Cheng Zeng
Stability of Order in Solvent-Annealed Block Copolymer Thin Films, Sanjun Niu and Ravi F. Saraf
Solid-Like Dynamics in Ultrathin Films of Polymeric Liquids, Gaurav Singh, Ravi F. Saraf, and Yves Martin
Spontaneous Planarization of Nanoscale Phase Separated Thin Film, Ravi F. Saraf, Sanjun Niu, and Eric Stumb