Department of Chemistry


Date of this Version



Methods Mol Biol. 2019 ; 2037: 265–311.


HHS Public Access



Drug discovery is an extremely difficult and challenging endeavor with a very high failure rate. The task of identifying a drug that is safe, selective and effective is a daunting proposition because disease biology is complex and highly variable across patients. Metabolomics enables the discovery of disease biomarkers, which provides insights into the molecular and metabolic basis of disease and may be used to assess treatment prognosis and outcome. In this regard, metabolomics has evolved to become an important component of the drug discovery process to resolve efficacy and toxicity issues, and as a tool for precision medicine. A detailed description of an experimental protocol is presented that outlines the application of NMR metabolomics to the drug discovery pipeline. This includes: (1) target identification by understanding the metabolic dysregulation in diseases, (2) predicting the mechanism of action of newly discovered or existing drug therapies, (3) and using metabolomics to screen a chemical lead to assess biological activity. Unlike other OMICS approaches, the metabolome is “fragile”, and may be negatively impacted by improper sample collection, storage and extraction procedures. Similarly, biologically-irrelevant conclusions may result from incorrect data collection, pre-processing or processing procedures, or the erroneous use of univariate and multivariate statistical methods. These critical concerns are also addressed in the protocol.
