Date of this Version
At the close of the year, the Extension Organization is found to be operating cooperatively through the following groups, namely: Cherry County Board of Commissioners; A.A.A. Wheat Control Association; A.A.A. Corn-Hog Control Association; Cherry County Drouth Committee, including a farm credit committee; and the A.A.A. Cattle Buying Organization.
Most of the work during 1934 concerned itself with the development of the A.A.A. Corn Hog program and later the Emergency Drouth Relief Activities. The first five months were spent, mainly, in developing the Corn-Hog organization. the period from June to the close of the year was given mainly to Drouth Relief, including government cattle buying.
The A.A.A. Wheat program, as conducted in Cherry County, was included as part of the district program for Brown, Cherry, Keyapaha, and Rock counties. The present control association was organized in Ainsworth on October 5, 1933. Otis D. W. Hahn represents the Cherry County Association on the district allotment committee. There are 29 contracts, representing an average acreage of 1856 acres, of which 187 are contracted to the government. 1933 Benefit Payment amounted to $2570.42. The first 1934 payment checks have been received to the amount of $1781.83.
673 Corn-Hog contracts were completed, of which 655 are now in force. These contracts represent a corn base of 66,665.5 acres and a total of 18,806.3 contracted acres. Average yield, per acre, for all contracts was 17.6 bushels. The contracts represent a hog-base of 28,345. Contract reduction netted a decrease in 1934 production of 7,094 head of hogs. Total benefit payments will net the county $208,199.30. Of this total benefit payment, administration costs will net something less than 5%.
A total of 25,402 head of drouth cattle were bought from this county, of which 25,027 were accepted as fit for food. A total of 375 head or less than 1½% were condemned as unfit for food. It is estimated that there are approximately 1600 cattle owners in Cherry County and of this number approximately 875 have sold cattle to the government. Total money received through the sale of cattle, as of November 23 is $384,547. Of this amount $132,531 represents benefit payment.
A total of eighty-nine seed loans have been handled for they year, amounting to $10,506.00. Three hundred sixty-five emergency feed loans have been approved for a total of $93,027.00. Two hundred seven supplemental applications amounting to $34,121.00 have been approved. Thirty-one new applications amounting to $4,500.00 and one hundred twenty-three supplemental applications amounting to $43,808.00 are waiting approval.
At the close of the year 3.6% of the farmers were receiving some drouth relief feed. The drouth relief pay-roll for the ten-unit farmers, including November applications, totals to date $1,226.60. Probably not over 5% will need to be put on the drouth relief list before spring.
One car of millet and cane seed was sent in for distribution by the State Emergency Relief Administration. About three thousand bushel of rye were taken from surplus farms to farms where no seed was available. Plans are being formed to carefully canvass all farming sections for spring planting intentions and supply of seed available.
Nine Federal Corn loans have been recorded on the mortgage records. One loan has been renewed as a source of see corn for 1935.
A grasshopper extermination campaign was carried on in twenty-eight precincts. Three cars of bait were distributed in the county. A survey, taken during the middle of September, indicated very little trouble for the coming year.
Courtesy Cherry County (Nebraska) Extension Office