Date of this Version
The Extension program was supported by the Cherry County Farm Bureau for the year ending November 20, 1937. Farm family memberships were the basis for securing funds to finance the educational budget adopted by the directors of the county Farm Bureau. Added financial assistance was given by the Cherry County Commissioners. Business houses at the county seat subscribed funds for the calf show and other special events sponsored as a part of the year's program. The total cost of the year's program amounted to $2272.52.
Eighteen men elected geographically, four women elected from project groups, and the president of the Agricultural Conservation Association, were designated as the directors of the county Farm Bureau. Budget details end maintenance of the organization were handled by means of eight directors meetings.
Thirty-two germination tests were secured for farmers having field crop seeds to sell. At least $5000.00 would be an estimated value of seeds sold through the assistance of the exchange service at the county office. This servlce was made available to approximately six hundred farmers.
The spring wheat variety test conducted last year was repeated this year. The purpose of the test was to demonstrate to farmers through field observations the difference in yielding ability, susceptibility to disease, time of maturity, and other agronomic qualities of the different varieties. The varieties tested were Ceres, Thatcher, and Komar. From reports for other tests conducted over the state, Ceres and Komar are recommended for general planting. Thatcher, which is a new rust resistant variety trom Minnesota, deserves further testing.
A sorghum variety test result demonstration meeting was conducted. The test is a continuation of the tests conducted by the Valentine substation during the last few years. With corn a near failure the grain sorghums yielded from five to twelve bushels per acre. Only the early maturing varieties show acceptable results. Amber varieties of forage sorghums outyielded corn by a ratio of two tons to one. Forage acreage in 1937 was double that of 1936.
Drouth and grasshoppers seriously reduced the carrying capacity of the range and pastures this year. Range management practices were developed as part of the Agricultural Conservation Program. Deterred grazing and pasture rotation was the central theme of this program. The exchange service assisted with the exchange of hay and surplus range valued at a minimum of $17,000.00.
45,500 Clarke-McNary seedlings were distributed to sixty-nine cooperators.
Poultry production was reduced to about one-third normal volume this year because of high feed prices. The Nebraska 8-SG formula was introduced to flock owners. Arrangements made with local feed merchants to supply feed of this formula reduced costs by fifty cents to $1.25 per cwt.
Control of livestock diseases and parasites, including blackleg, Bang's disease, and anthrax in cattle, and sleeping sickness and botflies in horses. were major issues. An educational program of prevention through sanitation and other measures prescribed by Department of Agriculture specialists was carried to all stockmen.
Two hundred seven families were assisted by the Resettlement Administration by means of grants totaling $23,077.50. Two hundred twenty-nine cars of feed were shipped into the county at reduced rates, effecting a saving of approximately $17,000.00. Thirty-nine new seed loans were made by the Farm Credit administration, totaling $5,345.00. Thirty-four standard loans were serviced through the Resettlement Administration.
Six hundred twelve cropland farmers made application to participate in the Agricultural Conservation Program. At the close of the year compliance was determined on five hundred thirty-three farms, with 107,095 acres of cropland. 5,129 acres of legumes were seeded. 7,590 acres of cropland were fallowed. 2,886 acres of cropland were abandoned for restoration to native grass. 11,511 acres of plow pasture were rested. Estimated benefit payments earned total approximately $75,000.00.
Two hundred ninety-six ranches covering an area of 1,472,382 acres participated in the range program. 286,176 acres of pasture were approved for deferred grazing benefit payments. Total range payments to come into the county are estimated at $61,437.00. At the close of this report year administrative expenses totaled $14,600 1000. The budget adopted covering costs to March 1, 1938 totals $21,161.57.
The first annual meeting of the "Farm Bureau" was held December 4, 1936. Winter storms reduced attendance to but a few members. The directors asked for the second annual members' meeting to be held in the summer time. A picnic held at the Valentine Park in August drew an attendance of about one hundred seventy. The program included 4-H achievement events, games, a picnic dinner, an address by Newton Gaines, and a moving picture program during the evening.
One hundred fifty-nine news stories concerning Extension activities were submitted to nine local weekly papers. Ninety-seven circular letters were mailed. Two issues of "Extension Notes" edited by the agent were circularized.
Seventeen district conferences were attended by the agent and committees, or office assistants. The agent also attended the annual Extension conference.
Twenty-two Home Demonstration Project Clubs, with a total membership of two hundred sixty-eight, were enrolled through the winter ot 1936-37. Four of these clubs sent leaders to training meetings at Gordon. Five clubs sent leaders to Mullen, and twelve sent leaders to Ainsworth, gave the leaders training at Valentine and at Mullen. The Home Agent, Miss Helen Rocke, with headquarters at Alliance, gave the leaders training at Gordon. Leaders trained held one hundred twenty-seven local demonstration meetings with a total attendance of 1268 ladies.
The seoond annual calf show was held October 20 and 21, 1937. Twenty-five Purebred Herefords were exhibited by six prominent breeders. Thirteen members of four Stocker-Feeder 4-H Clubs exhibited calves from their projects. Thirty-six ranchers exhibited one thousand head of good, choice and prime feeder calves. Following the Judging some eight hundred twenty feeders were offered at auction to 4-H Club buyers from corn belt counties in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio, and to other feeder buyers.
One hundred twenty-six different boys and girls enrolled for a like number of projects in twelve clubs. The projects included "Stocker-Feeder", carried by four clubs; "Baby Beef" by one club; "Learning to Sew" by two clubs; "Summer Clothes" by one club; "Learning to be a Homemaker" by two clubs; "Learning to Cook" by one club. and "Certified Grains" by one club; In addition, two members of a Brown County club carried "Baby Beef" projects. Of these clubs seven completed achievement clubs. The seven include three stocker-feeder, one learning to sew, one summer clothes, one learning to cook, and one learning to be a homemaker projects. Seventy-eight achievement members completed their work in these clubs. The fourth stocker-feeder club, with twelve members enrolled and five completing their projects, tailed to turn in final reports and leader's summary. A club of girls carrying the learning to be a homemaker and second course in girls room projects tailed to file complete enrollment and final reports.
One study club organized at Wood Lake in 1934 is continuing with this work. All others have changed to project demonstration work.
Forty farmers scattered 10,000 pounds of poison bran on one thousand acres of crops to combat grasshopper infestation. Poisoning has not proved practiceable nor effective in the range land.
It is estimated that outworms damaged some thirty percent of the corn planted. Poisoning by means of a homemade distributor was promoted as control.
Twenty-six ranchers scattered one thousand pounds of poisoned oats over three thousand acres of prairie dog towns. There remains two thousand acres of the 10,000 acres of "towns" located in 1936.
Courtesy Cherry County (Nebraska) Extension Office