The China Beat has received praise and notice in many locations, including the New York Times‘ “Paper Cuts” blog, Far Eastern Economic Review, Shanghai City Weekend, and The Beijinger. Writers who follow China issues, like James Fallows and Andrew Leonard, have recommended China Beat to their readers.
In July 2012, The China Beat registered its 1,000th and final post. It is archived here by request of the creators, Maura Cunningham, Kate Merkel-Hess, Ken Pomeranz, and Jeff Wasserstrom.
China Beat continues on X at
Coming Distractions: China Events at the 2009 AAS Meeting
Coming Distraction: Shanghai Girls
Coming Distractions: Postcards from Tomorrow Square
Coming Distractions: The Annual AAS Meeting
Coming Distractions: The Complete Fiction of Lu Xun–A New Translation
Coming Distractions: The Wobbling Pivot
Commentators on Clinton on China
Contributors Around the Web, II
Current History: Issue on China and East Asia
Five Quirky Blogs to Check Out
Follow-up Interview with Lijia Zhang, author of Socialism is Great!
For Book Lovers and China Enthusiasts…
Geithner in Beijing–What to Read (or Perhaps Re-Read)
Getting Ready for National Day: A Six-Step Plan
Global Shanghai’s Futuristic Side
Historical Bafflement of the Chinese People
In Case You Missed It: Repeat After Me
In Search of Old Shanghai (Buildings)
Intellectuals and the Nation in China and India: A Public Roundtable
Intellectuals and the Nation in China and India: A roundtable report
James Hevia on Summer Palace Relics
Jokes from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
June 4 Around the World: A Letter from Lima and a Hong Kong Perspective
June 4 Around the World: California
June 4th Around the World: Notes from One Week After the Anniversary
Lijia Zhang: Virtually and In Person
Looking Backwards: From 1989 to Han Times and from 2008 to 1964
More China Writing in Surprising Places: Japan Focus
More Web-Based Resources for Learning and Reading Chinese
NIMBY Comes to China Revisited
Obama in China: Final Thoughts
Obama in China: Friendly Advice II
Obama in China: Readings Around the Web
Of Books, Bloggers, and the Buddha
On the Web: Local Connections, National Reflections webcast
Peter Hessler: Readings on the Web
Reading Round-Up: December 3, 2009
Readings: Expo Preparation, Food, Music, and Fashion
Readings for International Women’s Day
Readings on 1999’s "May 8th Tragedy"
Readings on Liu Xiaobo and Xu Zhiyong
Readings on Speech and Protest in China
Reflecting on Tiananmen, 20 Years Later
Resource: Images of 1972 China
Self-Promotion Saturday: Conferencing in Shanghai
Self-Promotion Saturday: Upcoming Events
Self-Promotion Saturday: Upcoming Events
Shanghai Expo: The US Pavilion is On
Short Takes: More on Obama in China