Materials and Nanoscience, Nebraska Center for (NCMN)


Date of this Version




Copyright(C) 2002-2003 XingZhong LI


1. Purpose of the program 2. Graphic user interface and program design 3. Crystallographic principle and implementation 4. System requirement 5. Installation and user instruction 6. How to contact the author 7. References

1. Purpose of the program JECP/SP is a computer program in Java Electron Crystallography Package. JECP is developed for quantitative electron diffraction and image processing, the package is designed and written by Dr. XingZhong Li. JECP/SP provides the all necessary functions of stereographic projection for regular application and furthermore it can be used to minimized the difficulties encountered when tilting highly beam-sensitive, or small-grain-size specimens with known structures using either a double-tilt or a rotation holder. JECP/SP can be used as a teaching aid for students on fundamental crystallography as well as a tool for scientists working on TEM experiments.
