"TEM Studies of a New Modulated Structure in Mn<sub>2</sub>RuSn Alloy a" by Xing-Zhong Li and Shah R. Valloppilly

Materials and Nanoscience, Nebraska Center for (NCMN)


Date of this Version



Published in Microscopy and Microanalysis, 29 (Suppl 1), 2023, pp. 1829–1830



Heusler compounds are a remarkable class of intermetallic materials with wide-ranging and tunable properties. The Mn2RuSn Heusler compound was reported as an L21B-type cubic phase, a = 0.62195 nm, distinguishing from the original L21 structure (or L21A-type). The L21B-type structure is a disordered variant of the inverse Heusler structure, XA-type (Prototype-CuHg2Ti, space group No. 216, F4–3m).

In our recent work [1], we observed a new modulated structure derived from the XA-type structure and its orthogonal domains in the Mn2RuSn Heusler alloy. The structural characterization was carried out using selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dark-field (DF) imaging, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) imaging techniques.
