Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction


Date of this Version



53rd ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings.


Copyright 2017 by the Associated Schools of Construction.


Today, construction programs are incorporating a wide variety of active learning methods in their curricula to improve student learning outcomes and induce a more knowledge retention rate. Simulations and educational games are one of the fast growing and effective active learning methods that have been implemented in many programs. However, there are few instances of such learning methods applied in construction programs and a limited number of research projects have been conducted to investigate short-term and long-term outcomes of these methods and applications. This paper presents construction students’ perceptions of tested simulations with regards to the features, knowledge gained, level interest, and important aspects of simulations in integrating simulations in construction program curricula. Two construction management simulation applications were designed, developed, and tested with students with limited or no previous construction knowledge at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Based on Dale’s Cone of Learning instructional model, this study aims to investigate the same sample group’s perception regarding their experience with simulations after a two-year intervention, when they were juniors or seniors. Construction engineering and management students were selected for this study and a self-evaluation survey was utilized to determine their perceived knowledge and identify the effectiveness of the method. Results indicate the students’ responses in various areas have similar patterns in their corresponding areas right after playing the simulations.
