Classics and Religious Studies, Department of


Date of this Version


Document Type



Virginia Theological Seminary Bible Briefs (2009)


© 2009 Virginia Theological Seminary


The book of Esther tells an exciting, fast-paced story, in which the Jewish community, in danger of annihilation from a ruthless enemy, is saved by the heroic action of the young, beautiful Queen Esther. In the Jewish Bible, Esther is part of the Writings, or Ketûbîm. It is one of the Five Scrolls (Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther) read on festival or commemorative days of the Jewish year. Esther’s raison d’etre in Judaism, therefore, is the festival of Purim, which celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from threatened extermination. Purim occurs sometime in March; in addition to the synagogue services, congregations often hold Purim parties, at which children dress up as their favorite characters from Esther and special desserts are served.
