Computer Science and Engineering, Department of


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Published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 59, NO. 1, JANUARY 2010; Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TC.2009.108. Copyright 2010 IEEE. Used by permission.


Cluster computing has emerged as a primary and cost-effective platform for running parallel applications, including communication-intensive applications that transfer a large amount of data among the nodes of a cluster via the interconnection network. Conventional load balancers have proven effective in increasing the utilization of CPU, memory, and disk I/O resources in a cluster. However, most of the existing load-balancing schemes ignore network resources, leaving an opportunity to improve the effective bandwidth of networks on clusters running parallel applications. For this reason, we propose a communication-aware load-balancing technique that is capable of improving the performance of communication-intensive applications by increasing the effective utilization of networks in cluster environments. To facilitate the proposed load-balancing scheme, we introduce a behavior model for parallel applications with large requirements of network, CPU, memory, and disk I/O resources. Our load-balancing scheme can make full use of this model to quickly and accurately determine the load induced by a variety of parallel applications. Simulation results generated from a diverse set of both synthetic bulk synchronous and real parallel applications on a cluster show that our scheme significantly improves the performance, in terms of slowdown and turn-around time, over existing schemes by up to 206 percent (with an average of 74 percent) and 235 percent (with an average of 82 percent), respectively.
