Children, Youth, Families & Schools, Nebraska Center for Research on


Document Type



Published in Family Relations 66 (October 2017), pp 670–683.

doi 10.1111/fare.12271


Copyright © 2017 National Council on Family Relations. Published by John Wiley. Used by permission.


In the present article, we describe the translational process undergirding a particular aspect of family science: families working in partnership with schools to achieve mutual goals for children’s optimal functioning. In doing so, we illustrate a translational cycle that began with identifying problems of practice and led to the development of a family–school intervention (i.e., conjoint behavioral consultation) in a way that embraced families as partners in goal-setting and problem-solving. We discuss the evolution of the intervention from development to efficacy trials and practice guidelines. Key decision points borne out of practical relevance, empirical investigations, tests of mechanisms and conditions, and efforts pertaining to implementation and dissemination are illustrated. Finally, we highlight key research needed to advance the translation of the science related to conjoint behavioral consultation into widespread practice.
