Natural Resources, School of


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Diffendal, R. F., Jr., and R. R. Burchett. 1981. Gravity and ground magnetic investigations in eastern Nebraska. In Regional Tectonics and Seismicity of Eastern Nebraska, Annual Report, July 1980–June 1981. NUREG/CR-2411, RA, R6, ed. R. R. Burchett. Nebraska Geological Survey, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, pp. 21–44.


The purpose of this investigation was to extend the area covered by gravity and ground magnetic data related to the Nemaha Uplift and associated structures in eastern Nebraska. Gravity data were collected from Clay, Fillmore, Hamilton, Nuckolls, Polk, Thayer, and York Counties. Additional ground magnetic data and gravity data were collected for central Otoe County.
