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Inadequacies in Selected Sections of Nebraska School Laws

ROBERT RAMON CORNEER, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


During recent years considerable research has been. produced relative to particular sections of the Nebraska School Laws. However, very little has been done in the way of attempting to evaluate a sizeable number of those laws with respect to their educational value and the manner in which they function in actual practice.Statement of the ProblemThe purpose of this study was to identify, from among a selected group of the Nebraska School Laws, those sections of each law all or part of which are inadequate and in need of attention. Laws selected for this purpose included those sections which appear in Chapter 79 of the 1955 edition of the Nebraska School Laws and which pertain to Nebraska schools organized as Class I, II, III and VI districts.Laws written specifically for the Lincoln (Class IV) and Omaha (Class V) schools, as well as those relating to teachers' retirement and Junior colleges, were excluded. The study also included determining the factors and conditions involved which are responsible for the selected sections being classified as inadequate. As a result this investigation was concerned with the development of a body of information.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

CORNEER, ROBERT RAMON, "Inadequacies in Selected Sections of Nebraska School Laws" (1957). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI0023919.
