"Improving Spectrum Efficiency by Exploiting User and Channel Behaviors" by Zhongyuan Zhao

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Improving Spectrum Efficiency by Exploiting User and Channel Behaviors for Next Generation Wireless Networks

Zhongyuan Zhao, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The spectrum of wireless networks has been overcrowded by proliferating wireless devices under conventional license-based spectrum access policies. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) policies have recently been adopted within recent regulatory models such as the TV white space (TVWS) and Citizens Broadband Radio Spectrum (CBRS) standards. However, due to the limited white spaces in many populated metropolitan and coastal cities, the study of new spectrum sharing approaches based on interactions among licensees and secondary users is needed for more efficient and fair spectrum utilization. In this dissertation, the behaviors of users and the wireless channel are incorporated into the design of DSA solutions. New spectrum opportunities in populated areas are identified and characterized under the proposed framework of TV set-facilitated spectrum sharing. The aggregate interference in this new paradigm is modeled to facilitate spectrum management. Moreover, dynamic pricing solutions, which were developed to address operational challenges of wireless service providers under stochastically changing capacity and demand, are evaluated under realistic simulation scenarios to validate the theoretical assumptions. Furthermore, deep neural network-based physical layer is explored to enhance wireless communication in adverse radio environments under interactive spectrum sharing. Finally, to facilitate real-world experimentation of DSA solutions, in collaboration with the City of Lincoln, a city-wide testbed is developed to improve the accessibility of experimental research for the next generation wireless networks. This thesis provides a holistic approach to improve spectrum utilization efficiency to improve existing DSA policies. Meanwhile, it fosters further discussions on technical, policy, and operational aspects of DSA solutions, and accelerates experimental researches for next generation wireless networks.

Subject Area

Computer Engineering

Recommended Citation

Zhao, Zhongyuan, "Improving Spectrum Efficiency by Exploiting User and Channel Behaviors for Next Generation Wireless Networks" (2019). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI13862638.
