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Baby Boomers’ Interaction Shopping with Voice Activated Technology: A Convergent Mixed Methods Study

Katelyn Nicole Sorensen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Every day, 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 years old in the United States (McDonald, 2020). As baby boomers get older, they need help with everyday tasks and voice activated technology can help them by setting timers, alarms, playing music, shopping, checking the weather, and answering questions. This study aims to measure baby boomers’ acceptance of shopping through voice activated technology through the technology acceptance model (TAM) and explore their perceptions of shopping through smart speakers.This study followed convergent mixed methods design, where qualitative and quantitative data were collected simultaneously, analyzed independently, and then merged. For the quantitative portion, a survey was created in Qualtrics and disseminated through MTurk where 186 usable surveys were collected. For the theoretical framework TAM and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) models were adapted (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1992; Venkatesh, Davis, & Davis, 2003). The key moderators were age, gender, and level of experience. The main TAM variables were PU, PEOU, PE, and PI to BI. All survey responses were coded from analysis through SPSS where the relationships between the variables were tested through a multiple regression analysis. For the qualitative portion of the study, 12 participants were recruited to order Tide laundry detergent and a Keurig through the Amazon Echo Dot and Google Home Mini. After the experimental procedure, participants were interviewed about their thoughts on voice activated technology. All interviews were transcribed and coded where two overarching and four themes were found.The quantitative findings of this study indicated baby boomers find voice shopping useful, enjoyable, innovative, and intend to use it in the future, but did not find it easy to use. The qualitative results revealed participants are using voice activated technology and often lean on others to learn the capabilities of the technology. The results and findings of this study indicate baby boomers are using voice activated technology but do not use it towards its full potential.

Subject Area

Behavioral psychology

Recommended Citation

Sorensen, Katelyn Nicole, "Baby Boomers’ Interaction Shopping with Voice Activated Technology: A Convergent Mixed Methods Study" (2022). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI29068744.
