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Identifying and prioritizing agriculture and natural resources curriculum needs of Nebraska secondary and post -secondary institutions

Linda Dawn Moody, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this study was to describe and determine the competency relationships between secondary and post-secondary agriculture and natural resources curriculum and entry-level job competencies. A mixed-method, action research design was used to collect the necessary information concerning Nebraska's secondary agricultural curriculum, post-secondary agriculture and natural resources introductory and capstone coursework, and entry-level job descriptions. Data was collected from Nebraska secondary agricultural education teachers regarding the importance, knowledge, performance, and the students' ability to perform (consequence) on 409 achievement indicators representing ten subject matter content areas. The study was conducted at the conclusion of the 2000–01 school year with 83 teachers completing five of the ten randomly assigned subject matter sets. Record analysis was completed on 131 post-secondary course syllabi and 11 job descriptions. Secondary teachers and students were found to be knowledgeable and satisfactorily skilled in the areas of agribusiness, agricultural sales and marketing, agricultural mechanics, animal science, leadership, and plant and soil science. There was duplication of content between secondary and post-secondary introductory course work in the areas of agribusiness, animal science, and plant and soil science. Secondary programs were not preparing students for introductory course work in the areas of food science, natural resources and horticulture. Post-secondary programs were providing the necessary technical competencies for entry-level positions though there was no mention of interpersonal and communication skills in exit course requirements. As well, graduates entering into sales positions were not receiving formal or technical preparation in sales. The following recommendations were made: conduct a Delphi study of secondary teachers, post-secondary faculty, and business and industry representatives to further identify the exit level competencies of secondary and post-secondary programs leading to a seamless, articulated curriculum; add a technical sales course to post-secondary curriculum; design and implement competency outcomes and assessments for interpersonal and communication skills in capstone courses; and provide pre-service and in-service training in the areas of companion animals, food science, horticulture, and natural resources.

Subject Area

Agricultural education|Curriculum development|Vocational education

Recommended Citation

Moody, Linda Dawn, "Identifying and prioritizing agriculture and natural resources curriculum needs of Nebraska secondary and post -secondary institutions" (2001). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3022653.
