"A matter of honor: The life history of a Navy leader" by Debra Louise Mullen

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A matter of honor: The life history of a Navy leader

Debra Louise Mullen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this biographical study was to provide insight into the life of a Navy officer. Written in the life history tradition, it provides the reader with the story of one man's journey through a Navy career with an emphasis on his evolution as a leader. While much has been written about notable military leaders, particularly men who served during war time, little has been written about the lives of “common” leaders. This study begins the development of this body of knowledge. The primary informant in this study was a Naval officer who has served as an officer for more than 20 years. Through interviews of this individual, his family, and other Navy personnel, an in-depth exploration of his life and leadership journey emerged. Validation of the research findings occurred through member checks, peer reviews, and triangulation. The study posed no significant ethical concerns because the informants were provided the opportunity to review transcripts and challenge meanings assigned by the researcher. Further, the primary informant was familiar with and constrained by the level of security clearance he held. The results of this study will be useful to scholars interested in leadership, Naval personnel preparing to become career officers, and civilians who may have little knowledge or insight into the lives of our men and women in uniform.

Subject Area

Adult education|Continuing education|Biographies|Vocational education

Recommended Citation

Mullen, Debra Louise, "A matter of honor: The life history of a Navy leader" (2001). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3022654.
