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A Singer's Guide to Gwyneth Walker's Songs From the High Sierra

Matthew Clegg, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Songs from the High Sierra is a distinct addition to Gwyneth Walker’s compositions. The text consists of a series of letters written by John Muir to Mrs. Jeanne Carr while the former was exploring the area now known as Yosemite National Park. Walker uses unusual compositional techniques to portray Muir’s vibrant personality, to navigate the prose text, and to portray the majesty of the grand peaks being described. This study contains background information on Walker and Muir comprising Chapters One and Two. Chapters Three through Seven contain an analysis of each song and performance considerations. Appendices include a transcription of the author’s interview with Walker regarding the cycle.

Subject Area

Music|Musical composition|Musical performances

Recommended Citation

Clegg, Matthew, "A Singer's Guide to Gwyneth Walker's Songs From the High Sierra" (2023). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI30575772.
