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Faculty impressions of integrated database system related to their instructional roles

Paul Jacobsen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This study investigated the impressions of faculty at a public two-year community college of customizations to a new integrated database system with specific customizations designed to provide quick and easy access to data appropriate to their positions at the institution. The level of acceptance of the interfaces to the database was analyzed using the following independent variables: Faculty status (fulltime/adjunct), years of service to the institution, and self-reported technology skill level. The results of the study show that the Web interface to the college database system is viewed as a very useful service to the faculty. Other results include (a) the fulltime faculty are more aware of the availability of the tools than the part-time or adjunct instructors, and (b) the fulltime faculty with more years of service indicated more awareness of the tools than those fulltime faculty with fewer years of service. This study recommends that the college continue its use of the database tools developed for the faculty, and recommends increased documentation, presentation and training opportunities to the faculty.

Subject Area

Community college education

Recommended Citation

Jacobsen, Paul, "Faculty impressions of integrated database system related to their instructional roles" (2004). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3159546.
