"The editions of Alfred Cortot and E. Robert Schmitz revisited: Pedagog" by Debra E Merritt

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The editions of Alfred Cortot and E. Robert Schmitz revisited: Pedagogical perspectives on selected Chopin etudes

Debra E Merritt, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This document examines two teaching editions of the Chopin etudes, one by Alfred Cortot and the other by the lesser known E. Robert Schmitz. Both pedagogues may have shared similarities in education, interests, and experiences, but each had a unique pedagogical approach to the Chopin etudes. The first chapter shows these similarities, while the second chapter looks at various types of exercises that Cortot suggested in order for students to ''master'' an etude. The third chapter reveals Schmitz's highly physiological method, one in which he applied the exact sciences to piano playing. This resulted in thoughtful fingerings that revolve around economy of motion. Though maybe not ideal with regard to Urtext or ease of reading, these editions are filled with much valuable information. Piano students can gain new perspectives on practicing these etudes as well as practicing in general. This document will cover some of the pedagogical advantages and disadvantages that these editions may pose.

Subject Area

Music|Music education

Recommended Citation

Merritt, Debra E, "The editions of Alfred Cortot and E. Robert Schmitz revisited: Pedagogical perspectives on selected Chopin etudes" (2007). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3254331.
