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Sieve Methods and Some Applications

MILDRED LUCILE FOREMAN GROSS, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Sieve methods have long been of value in investigating certain problems in the theory of numbers. The first purpose of this thesis is to present a study of several of the existing sieve methods beginning with the original sieve of Eratosthenes, described in section II, followed by the improved sieve of Viggo Brun (sections III-V) and the Selberg sieve method, which is presented in sections VII and VIII. The Brun method and the Selberg upper bound method are described in some detail since the available literature in English on these methods is somewhat sketchy. In addition, a sketch of the Selberg lower bound method is included.

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Recommended Citation

GROSS, MILDRED LUCILE FOREMAN, "Sieve Methods and Some Applications" (1963). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI6402621.
