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The State, The Church, and Public Education in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Prussia

ARNOLD C ERXLEBEN, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The last decade has seen an increasing amount of tension between the government and the organized churches with respect to education in the United States of America. There has been an upswing in the number of cases brought to the Supreme Court for decision during this period. The activity has not been limited to the courts. The Congress, too, has become involved in this vital public issue. To illustrate this, Sidney Hook in the first of his Montgomery Lectures delivered at the University of Nebraska on March 24, 1964, stated, "There lie before the Congress of this country almost three dozen bills which seek to amend the First Amendment in order to preserve certain practices outlawed by the way in which the Supreme Court has read that amendment."

Subject Area

Education history

Recommended Citation

ERXLEBEN, ARNOLD C, "The State, The Church, and Public Education in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Prussia" (1967). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI6709829.
