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Factors Affecting the B-Vitamin Content of Cheese

KAY MILLIGAN NILSON, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Cheese occupies an important place in the American diet. The per capita yearly consumption (114) of ripened and unripened cheese in the United States is more than 14 lb. The annual estimated production of Cheddar cheese in 1965 was 1,155,290,000 lb (118).The importance of dairy products as a source of the B-complex vitamins was reported by Sullivan et al. (111). They observed that dairy products, especially cheese, play an important role in balancing the diet.The B-vitamins play a very important role in metabolism, growth, fertility, cellular oxidation, and respiration, and are part of nico- tinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine trinucleotide (NADP).

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Recommended Citation

NILSON, KAY MILLIGAN, "Factors Affecting the B-Vitamin Content of Cheese" (1967). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI6710673.
