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Some Helminth Parasites of Terrestrial Molluscs in Nebraska

PAUL DONOVAN LEWIS, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The present study was undertaken with two primary objectives: (1) to collect and identify as many helminths of terrestrial molluscs as possible; and (2) to obtain adult stages of larval trematodes, recovered from terrestrial molluscs, by controlled feeding experiments.Terrestrial molluscs are parasitized by both juvenile and adult nematodes. Early records of nematodes from terrestrial molluscs are summarized by Chitwood and Chitwood (1937). Recent publications by Alicata (e.g., 1963, 1965) and others have emphasized the medical importance of terres- trial molluscs as intermediate hosts of the nematode, Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen), which is the causative agent of eosinophilic meningo-encephalitis in the tropical Pacific and elsewhere. There have been few reports of larval cestodes (see Jones, 1929; Canaris, 1960, 1961; Kisielewska, 1961; and Dick and Burt, 1967).

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Recommended Citation

LEWIS, PAUL DONOVAN, "Some Helminth Parasites of Terrestrial Molluscs in Nebraska" (1967). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI6715825.
