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Variational Solutions Satisfying Hypervirial Theorems in Fixed-Source Boson Theories

DONALD EUGENE MCARTHUR, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The quantum theory of fields has been studied extensively and applied to a wide variety of physical problems. Although it was developed as a theory of elementary particles, it has found many applications in nuclear physics and solid-state physics We shall examine here the classic problem of a boson interacting with a fixed source. It serves both as a model in which the formal theory of fields may be discussed and as a first approximation to many physical problems. Among the latter, for example, are the polaron problem and the Chew model in which the nucleon is described as a fixed source interacting with a field of pions. In these applications, the form of the Hamiltonian is well known. The remaining problem is to find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for a given Hamiltonian.

Subject Area

Nuclear physics

Recommended Citation

MCARTHUR, DONALD EUGENE, "Variational Solutions Satisfying Hypervirial Theorems in Fixed-Source Boson Theories" (1967). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI6715829.
