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Protein Needs and Quality of Selected Plant Proteins in 11 to 17 Year Oldboys

MARY KATHERINE KORSLUND, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Accompanying the widely recognized need to improve the quality and quantity of protein in the world's food supply is the necessity for a better understanding of protein requirements during growth. When Irwin (1970) reviewed the literature of the past 100 years to find what had been learned on human protein requirements, she found that adoles- cents had not been subjects for controlled studies. Recommendations for dietary protein intake for this rapidly growing age group have been based primarily on extrapolations of data obtained from studies of adults and infants. Studies of adolescents are needed to supply a more definitive basis for these recommendations.Numerous studies of food intake of adolescents have been reported (Heald et al, 1969). Dietary intake, biochemical and anthropometric measurements have been correlated for preschool children (Kerrey et al, 1968; Crispin et al, 1968) and for adolescents (Hampton et al, 1966, 1967; Huenemann, 1966). Few attempts have been made to project these. findings to recommendations of optimal protein intake during growth.

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Recommended Citation

KORSLUND, MARY KATHERINE, "Protein Needs and Quality of Selected Plant Proteins in 11 to 17 Year Oldboys" (1972). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI7227402.
