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Computerized Merchandising Systems

RONALD WAYNE WRIGHT, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Retailing has been involved in a revolution since the mid-1940s, due to a number of significant changes that have and are still taking place in the environment within which retailers must operate.A number of external factors such as competition, legislation, increases in the federal minimum wage, growth in personal disposable income, increased leisure time, inflation, and the introduction and increasing popularity of financial institution credit cards, for example, are but a few of the factors which affect the method of operation and the profitability of operations. Some of these constantly changing factors can be controlled to a degree while many of the other numerous factors are much more difficult, if not impossible, to control.

Subject Area

Business administration

Recommended Citation

WRIGHT, RONALD WAYNE, "Computerized Merchandising Systems" (1973). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI7413036.
