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Interaction of Nitrogen and Plant Distribution on Two Isogenic Lines of Great Northern Field Beans

JOHN MERVYN HART, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The center of the state's dry edible bean industry is the three county area of Scotts Bluff, Morrill, and Box Butte where over 100,000 acres of beans were grown in 1973 and 1974. age was of the Great Northern varieties. The majority of this acre- Nebraska leads the nation in production of Great Northern dry edible beans with Scotts Bluff Countyproducing approximately fifty percent of the state and national total. Only in the last two years have the Nebraska acreage figures topped the 100,000 mark. Acreages have climbed unsteadily from 2,000 acres in 1919 to 27,000 acres in 1941, and to 82,000 acres in 1971.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

HART, JOHN MERVYN, "Interaction of Nitrogen and Plant Distribution on Two Isogenic Lines of Great Northern Field Beans" (1976). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI7625872.
