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The application of the composite change model of diffusion and implementation to the adoption of the microcomputer in educational decision-making: Five case studies

Michael James Brown, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The study considered the question: Does the composite change model of diffusion and implementation fit the process of adoption of microcomputers in educational administration in K-12 schools? The literature concerning the use of computers in educational administration, the parallel and interlocking use of computers in educational administration, the process of adoption, implementation and dissemination of innovation in organizations, the consideration of change and implementation models and the analysis of suitable data collecting questionnaires was studied. This study culminated in the use of a modification of the Negotiated Order of Withdrawal (NOW) interest-bearing checking accounts interview schedule developed by Nord and Tucker. Interviews were conducted at five separate sites in a selected school district using this schedule. After analysis of the written and recorded data, case studies of the process of implementation of microcomputer use were developed for each site. The case studies were analyzed for similarities and differences pertaining to the research questions. The stages reached and/or completed in the composite change model at each site were identified. It was found that the adoption of a change model is advantageous in the process of implementation of the use of microcomputers in educational administration in a school district. The development of a formal coordinated plan for the administrative uses of microcomputers should have a high priority. The assessment of needs for microcomputer use, the planning of necessary staff training and the evaluation of progress of implementation should be developed from the district plan for the implementation process to be successful. The process of implementation of microcomputers in administration in the school district studied has valuable lessons for similar implementations in other school districts. A list of recommendations is given, the most significant of which is that a change model such as the composite change model should be followed. Planning for the use of microcomputers in school administration is vital to the success of that use. Particular attention should be paid to needs assessment for computer use, the determination of a timeline for implementation and the assessment of the progress of the implementation.

Subject Area

School administration|Science education

Recommended Citation

Brown, Michael James, "The application of the composite change model of diffusion and implementation to the adoption of the microcomputer in educational decision-making: Five case studies" (1987). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI8810311.
