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Developing a five-year staff development plan for the North Platte Public School system

Florence Arlene Sukraw, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this study was to describe the process and procedure used by the North Platte Public Schools, North Platte, Nebraska, to establish a five-year plan of staff development. The study included a description of the plan as well as the research and influencing factors which affected the development of that plan. A review of the available literature on staff development indicated that, while not important in the early public schools, staff development has increasingly become an excellent vehicle for achieving change. In order to develop a five-year plan which would meet the rapid changes that the North Platte Public Schools are undergoing, the writer involved educators, students, and community members in surveys, questionnaires and interviews. In addition, staff development directors from other school districts in Nebraska shared their ideas and staff development models with the writer. As a result of this study, an ideal model for staff development was proposed, followed by the staff development plan for the North Platte Schools. This latter plan was based on the ideal model as well as the major needs of the North Platte Public School System. The five-year plan for the North Platte Public Schools differed from the ideal model in three areas. These are: preparation, planning, and maintenance. These changes were included because of the organization of the local school district's financial procedures, from the results of questionnaires, surveys, and interviews, and directives and expectations from the Superintendent of the North Platte Public Schools. The goals of both plans evolved from the purposes of enriching teachers' and administrators' lives, continuously improving schools, and creating ongoing professional skill development.

Subject Area

School administration

Recommended Citation

Sukraw, Florence Arlene, "Developing a five-year staff development plan for the North Platte Public School system" (1987). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI8810331.
