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Parent-teacher perceptions of transition skills of students with learning disabilities

Janet Jolene Connell Ehlers, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this study was to compare parents of students with learning disabilities and secondary special education teachers in two intermediate education agencies and one metropolitan school district regarding (1) their perceptions of the importance of identified transition skills and (2) the degree to which the transition skills are present in the public school curriculum. Identified transition skills were defined as: school related transition skills and school-community transition skills. The survey instrument, Parent-Teacher Perceptions of Transition Skills of Students with Learning Disabilities, was composed of 25 items suggested by a review of the literature as necessary skills to insure a successful transition from school to post-school settings. Perceptions of the two groups, parents and teachers, were compared on two dependent variables: importance for transition and presence in the school program at the.05 level of significance using a multivariate analysis of variance, the t-test, and the Hotellings T Square. Based upon the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) Parents perceive certain transition variables to be more important than others. The variability in reported means was X = 6.69 to X = 5.466. (2) Teachers perceive certain transition variables to be more important than others. The variability in reported means was X = 6.633 to X = 4.8. (3) There were no significant differences in the perceptions of parents and teachers regarding the importance of transition variables. (p $>$.05). Reliability coefficients for the 25 item importance scale was Alpha =.9533. The reliability coefficient and the fact that no significant differences were found suggests that the transition issues presented were viewed in the same manner by the two groups and the scales were internally consistent. (4) Parents perceive certain transition variables to be present to a greater degree in the school program than others. The range of variability in the means for presence was X = 5.322 to X = 3.099. (5) Teachers perceive certain transition variables to be present to a greater degree in the school program than others. The range of variability in mean scores for presence was X = 5.8 to X = 2.167. (6) There was no significant difference between parents and teachers regarding their perceptions of transition variables' presence in the school program (p $>$.05). Reliability coefficients for the 25 item presence scale was Alpha =.9476. The reliability coefficient and the fact that no significant differences were found suggests that the transition issues presented to the two groups were appropriate and the scales were internally consistent.

Subject Area

Special education

Recommended Citation

Ehlers, Janet Jolene Connell, "Parent-teacher perceptions of transition skills of students with learning disabilities" (1989). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI8925236.
