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Ghost clients: Effect of agency-focussed or client-focussed prompt on first-session no-shows

Clark Raymond House, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Clients failing to keep their first counseling appointment (ghost clients) results in delay of service as well as decreased productivity on the part of the clinician. This study investigated the utilization of two types of prompts: client-focussed and agency-focussed, as well as a control condition (no prompt) with clients in an attempt to reduce first counseling session no-shows. In this study, utilization of client-focussed or agency-focussed prompts failed to make a significant difference (p =.57) in first-session no-show behavior. Further analyses based on the dichotomy of keeping versus not keeping the first appointment (p =.42) and a second categorization into appointment-irresponsible versus appointment-responsible behaviors (p =.30) also failed to reach significance. Additional areas for research are recommended.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

House, Clark Raymond, "Ghost clients: Effect of agency-focussed or client-focussed prompt on first-session no-shows" (1990). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9030125.
