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The music for solo trumpet and cornet with orchestra from ca. 1870 to 1910 in the Edwin A. Fleisher Collection of Orchestral Music

Brian Keith Pfoltner, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The objective of this document is to examine the solo trumpet and cornet literature from the late nineteenth century found in the Edwin A. Fleisher Collection of Orchestral Music in Philadelphia. The music in this collection is interesting and important in that it differs in several ways from many pieces from the period that are now popular in the repertoire. The first difference is that these works are all accompanied by orchestra, as opposed to the more typical band accompaniment. Secondly, these compositions were written by European composers, in contrast to the American ties exhibited by many popular nineteenth-century cornet solos. Finally, several pieces in the Fleisher Collection were written for trumpet instead of cornet. These solos are particularly important from a historical perspective, as the trumpet of that period is not commonly thought of as a solo instrument. The majority of the compositions date from the last quarter of the nineteenth century, but works in a similar style from the first decade of the twentieth century have also been included. The opening chapters provide a historical overview of the period, as well as information on Edwin Fleisher and the collection. The main body of the paper deals with the music, and includes a short biography of each composer as well as an analysis of each composition. These analyses are general overviews which deal with duration, form, harmony, thematic material and development, range and technical demands of the solo part, use of trumpets in the orchestra, and style of accompaniment. Also included is a short musical excerpt taken from each solo part. Following the analyses is a chapter which summarizes the findings and compares the works in the collection to more well-known solos from the period. Appendices list additional works for solo trumpet or cornet by the composers represented in the collection, as well as modern editions and recordings.

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Recommended Citation

Pfoltner, Brian Keith, "The music for solo trumpet and cornet with orchestra from ca. 1870 to 1910 in the Edwin A. Fleisher Collection of Orchestral Music" (1995). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9538650.
