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Status and Value of Music in Education

Rose Yont, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


I have been led to select this field of investigation in writing my thesis from a slowly developing conviction that much of the present teaching of art in our schools, (but most particularly that of music) is attended by great waste, if not real injury to the children on account of false pedagogical principles, lack of understanding of child development, and a commercializing of the occupation by the typical rank-and-file music teacher of the day. In the development of this thesis, I hope to bring out very definitely, my conclusions that much of the overwork, nervous breakdowns, and lowered vitality of children is caused by an attempt to obtain these forms of culture on the side, and outside school hours.

Subject Area

Music education

Recommended Citation

Yont, Rose, "Status and Value of Music in Education" (1915). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAIDP14167.
