Graduate Studies


Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type




First Advisor

Diane Barger


Electroacoustic literature for the clarinet is bountiful and accessible, though many students do not experience working with this genre until they become a graduate student, if even then. Utilizing a detailed rubric, each of these 45 works in this document are graded according to their accessibility, techniques explored, and overall difficulty to approach to better serve the educator and assist the undergraduate clarinetist in performing this genre of repertoire. With the accessibility of electronics and electronic equipment coming more readily available to composers and performers at the start of the 21st-century, electroacoustic literature found a sense of deliverance in the fold of contemporary composition. Many electroacoustic compositions found premieres and performances as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world. Through this isolating event musicians began to search means to express themselves musically, and for many that meant turning to compositions with some element of electronic, pre-recorded, or tape partnership. The compositions within this document offer an array of compositional styles and composers from the 21st century, including works that interact with the clarinetist or require the aid or an audio assistant. Composers such as Mark Snyder, Judith Shatin, and Jenni Brandon are featured in the selected compositions, as well as composers who are new to the electroacoustic medium.


Copyright 2024, Emily Jean Rose. Used by permission
