Graduate Studies


First Advisor

Jiangang Xia

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Educational Administration

Date of this Version


Document Type



Copyright 2023, Gene James Russel


Adviser: Jiangang Xia The purpose of this study is to examine Nebraska elementary teachers’ desired leadership qualities and teachers’ interest of becoming a principal. Part of this study is a replication of William A. Schernikau’s dissertation completed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1991. Part of William A. Schernikau’s study was designed to replicate a study that was conducted in 1964 by Ward Campbell at the University of Southern California. In Schernikau’s (1991) study, there are seven categories of principal leadership qualities that was examined based on elementary teachers’ perceptions: (a) management skills, (b) staff relations, (c) community relations, (d) personal characteristics, (e) professional responsibilities, (f) student relations, and (8) curriculum program. Schernikau’s (1991) study involved questions in a survey that were asked using a Likert Scale from 1-5 to measure teachers’ views of the qualities they most desired in their immediate supervisor. This study examined the educational shifts during the past thirty years regarding Nebraska elementary teachers desired leadership qualities of their elementary principals. Additionally, this study examined teachers’ interest of becoming a principal and to what extent the COVID-19 pandemic and current political environment had on their interest in principalship.
