Documentary Editing, Association for
Documentary Editing: Journal of the Association for Documentary Editing (1979-2011)
It was a quarterly publication 1979-2008, and annual from 2009-2011.
For this online edition of Documentary Editing (1984-2011) the ISSN is 2476-1796.
Beginning with the 2012 issue, Documentary Editing was renamed Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing and has become an open-access, digital publication, available here: http://scholarlyediting.org/
The complete backlist of Documentary Editing is being provided here with permission and by courtesy of the ADE.
If you are the copyright holder of any material in Documentary Editing and want your material removed from the UNL Digital Commons institutional repository, please contact the Association for Documentary Editing, Inc. at ade-publications@documentaryediting.org
Documentary Editing: Journal of the Association for Documentary Editing, Volume 32: 2011
Helen R. Deese Honored with the 2010 Lyman H. Butterfield Award, Butterfield Award Selection Committee
What’s in a Name? Cultural Onomastics and Other Scary Things about the Lincolns and Their Contemporaries, James M. Cornelius
Rethinking Digital Editing Practices to Better Address Non-Canonical Texts, Amanda A Gailey
Changes Coming to Documentary Editing, Amanda A Gailey and Andrew Jewell
In Memoriam-Jo Ann Boydston (1924–2011), Larry A. Hickman
Preserving the Alliance: The Artful Diplomacy of Benjamin Franklin, John P. Kaminski
From the Canonical to the Non-Canonical: Editing, the Walt Whitman Archive, and Nineteenth-Century Newspaper Poetry, Elizabeth M. Lorang
The Best Job in the World: Documentary Editor, Beth Luey
Julian P. Boyd Award Presented to John P. Kaminski, Barbara Oberg
Editing Non-Canonical Texts: Issues and Opportunities, Kenneth M. Price
Presidential Address--New Editorial Futures for the Past, Kenneth M. Price
Editing Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Fluid Text of Race, Wesley Raabe
On Editing Late-Nineteenth-Century Author Interviews, Gary Scharnhorst
Issues and Challenges of Moving and Maintaining The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Ryan P. Semmes and John F. Marszalek
“A Broad, Generous Stream of Love and Bounty”: The Concord Sewing Circle and the Holley School for Freedmen, Mary Lamb Shelden
Editing Sophia Peabody Hawthorne’s Travel Writing and the Conundrum of Copies, Patricia Dunlavy Valenti
Recent Editions, W. Bland Whitley
Documentary Editing: Journal of the Association for Documentary Editing--Front Matter
Documentary Editing: Journal of the Association for Documentary Editing, Volume 31: 2010
Editing Sophia Peabody’s Cuba Journal: Travel, Recovery, and Interpretation, Jana L. Argersinger and Cheryl J. Fish
The “Almanacks” of Mary Moody Emerson: A Scholarly Digital Edition, Noelle Baker and Sandra Harbert Petrulionis
A New Approach to Thoreau’s “Indian Books”, Jessie Bray
The Gilbert & Sullivan Critical Edition and the Full Scores that Never Were, Ronald Broude
In Memoriam: W. W. Abbot (1922–2009), Making Something of Life, Philander D. Chase
Models of Digital Documentation: The 19th-Century Concord Digital Archive, Amy E. Earhart
“Dangerous Thoughts”? Margaret Sanger’s World Trip Journal, Japan, 1922, Peter C. Engelman
Experiencing Women’s History as a Documentary Editor, Ann D. Gordon
Scholarly Editing in a Web 2.0 World: Presidential Address, October 16, 2009, Cathy Moran Hajo
J. A. Leo Lemay (1935–2008), A Remembrance, Kevin J. Hayes
Recent Editions, Margaret A. Hogan
Life Service Award Presented to Rich Leffler, John P. Kaminski
Lyman H. Butterfield Award for 2009 Presented to Gregg L. Lint, Mary Jo Kline
Review of The Joseph Smith Papers, Journals, Volume 1: 1832–1839. Edited by Dean C. Jessee, Mark Ashurst-McGee, and Richard L. Jensen., Kenneth P. Minkema
Matthew J. Bruccoli (1931–2008), Joel Myerson
An Assessment of Recent Developments in Historical Editing, Jennifer E. Steenshorne
Association for Documentary Editing 2008–9 Annual Plan
In the Beginning: ADE and the Big Bang Revolution, Roger Burns
Recent Editions, Linnéa Caproni
In Memoriam, Thomas E. Dulan, Charlene Bickford, Mary Jo Kline, and Raymond W. Smock
President’s Letter 2009 : DOCUMENTARY EDITING IS ALIVE AND WELL, Cathy Moran Hajo
Digital Editions: Scholarly Tradition in an Avant-Garde Medium, Andrew Jewell
A Bibliography of Editions Prepared by ADE Members, Karen Mylan, Linnéa Caproni, Harriet Simon, and Richard Leffler
Presidential Address--Why Documentary Editing Matters, Michael E. Stevens
President’s Letter 2008: Moving Forward, Michael E. Stevens
One-Dimensional History, Denton L. Watson
Documentary Editing: Journal of the Association for Documentary Editing--Front Matter
Founding Fathers Face the Senate, Charlene Bickford
Recent Editions, Linnéa Caproni
Humor and Its Hazards: Editing The Papers of Will Rogers, Steven K. Gragert
If You Have to Explain It, Is It Still Funny?, Beth Luey
Balancing Public and Private Lives in the Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott and Florence Kelley, Beverly Wilson Palmer
Association for Documentary Editing Business Meeting, November 16, 2007, Richmond Marriot Hotel, Richmond, Virginia, Christine S. Patrick
Yet Another George Washington Website: The Digital Edition and the Future of Documentary Editing, Jennifer E. Stertzer
President’s Letter: Looking Backward, Looking Forward, Michael E. Stevens
Long Before the NHPRC: Documentary Editing in Nineteenth-Century Virginia, Brent Tarter
Documentary Editing, Volume 29, 2007.
Documentary Editing, Volume 29, 2007-- Front matter
Documentary Editing, Volume 29, 2007--Index
Healing the Liberal Arts: Undergraduate Research and Documentary Editing, Robin Leslie Condon
Reflections of a Counter-Intuitive Editor, Dennis M. Conrad
Web 2.0 and Documentary Editing in the 21st Century, Max J. Evans
Review of Selected Letters of Lucretia Coffin Mott. Edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer, et al., Leigh Fought
Scholarly Editing as a Dissertation Topic: Philological Perspectives on Documentary Editing in Theory and Practice, Harry Lonnroth
Bringing Method to the Madness: Editing Personal Writings for Public Wonderment, Melody Miyamoto
"Where's Your Real Book?": Textual Editing and the Culture Wars, Wesley T. Mott
Who We Are as Documentary Editors, Beverly Wilson Palmer
Notes--Lessons of Infinite Advantage: Introducing Undergraduates to Historical Editing, Robert F. Taylor
ADE 28th Annual Meeting, Quincy, Massachusetts, 20-22 October 2006, Annual Meeting Session Summaries
ADE Annual Meeting 2007 Preliminary Program and Schedule
ADE Business Minutes, Quincy, Massachusetts, 20 October 2006-22 October 2006
ADE Treasurer's Report, Fiscal Year, September 1, 2005-August 31, 2006
Awards--ADE Member Projects Honored
Documentary Editing, Vol. 28, no. 1, Spring 2006.