Documentary Editing, Association for



Date of this Version

Fall 2003

Document Type



Documentary Editing, Volume 25, Number 3, Fall 2003. ISSN 0196-7134


2003 © the Association for Documentary Editing. Used by permission.


If Documentary Editing were a grown child celebrating its 25th birthday, its parents, concerned with their offspring's professional welfare and future, would remember fondly earlier times and might well ask questions about plans for life after graduate school. Clearly, the journal of the Association for Documentary Editing is different from a child, although, over the years, many people have left their imprint on Documentary Editing and much has changed since the publication's beginning in 1979. Unlike an adult on the verge of complete emersion into professional life, however, Documentary Editing cannot look back and reflect on the course of the past quarter of a century. Only its readers can do that. As one way for the journal's audience to retrace past developments and celebrate earlier achievements evident in the pages of the first 25 volumes of Documentary Editing, the editors of the journal compiled a listing of contributions in the past quarter century.
