Drought -- National Drought Mitigation Center
Date of this Version
Spring 2015
Document Type
National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015
Director’s column.
South Plains ranch workshops 3
First quarter drought summary
First quarter impacts summary
Gary’s favorite pond, D1-4
NDMC’s Haigh leads U2U pubs
SW Montana watersheds convene
Wind River monitors drought
Morocco’s new drought index
Northeast Brazil drought monitoring
EU’s drought initiative
U.S. Drought Monitor Forum
How Colorado tourism coped in 2012
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Atmospheric Sciences Commons, Climate Commons, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Fresh Water Studies Commons, Hydrology Commons, Meteorology Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Other Earth Sciences Commons, Other Environmental Sciences Commons, Sustainability Commons, Water Resource Management Commons
United States government work