Department of Educational Psychology


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Date of this Version



SASP News (May 2008).


Copyright 2008, Student Affiliates in School Psychology. Used by permission.


Over the last decade, the Target Bully research team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has collaborated with many schools and school districts to identify where bullying occurs and how to reduce its prevalence. As our experience has grown, we have developed methods and instruments to identify critical concerns of staff members and students. Therefore, we typi-cally begin this consultation by interviewing school administrators and if needed, distributing the Bully Survey (Swearer, 2001) to all students and when possible, teachers and/or parents. This procedure allows us to get a picture of the scope of bullying from the perspectives of students who are bullying, students who are victimized, students who engage in both behaviors, stu-dents who observe bullying, and finally, students who are not involved in bullying. The Bully Survey System also provides data on where students are bullied, by whom (i.e. older students, students the same age, etc.), and what type of bullying is occurring (i.e. physical, relational, cyberbullying, etc). These data are compiled, analyzed, and presented to school staff specifically for the purposes of designing school-wide interventions.
