Department of Educational Psychology


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Copyright (c) 2017 Ling Qian, Fan Zhang, Ian M. Newman, Duane F. Shell, & Weijing Du


The 2 attached digital files are placed in UNL Digital Commons for access by readers of open access journal BMC Public Health < >. The data set supports the analysis reported in the study “PUBH-D-17-00335R2 Effects of Selected Socio-demographic Characteristics on Nutrition Knowledge and Eating Behavior of Elementary Students in Two Provinces in China” by Ling Qian, MD PhD; Fan Zhang, MD PhD; Ian M. Newman, PhD; Duane F. Shell, PhD; Weijing Du, MD PhD.

The paper has been accepted by BMC Public Health. It is the journal’s policy that the data on which the conclusions are based are available publicly. The authors Ian M. Newman and Duane F. Shell are UNL faculty in the Department of Educational Psychology.

The files are:

Primary School Nutrition Data Code Manual No school names.docx (MS Word)


xiaoxue1ThirdGradeData_Time1.xl (MS Excel)

(Attached below.)
