Department of Educational Psychology


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Date of this Version



Published in Educational Psychology Review 30 (2018), pp 599–606.

DOI 10.1007/s10648-017-9413-7


Copyright © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media New York. Used by permission.


“Metacognitive theories,” an article Gregg Schraw and I published in Educational Psychology Review in 1995, has been cited in over a thousand scholarly publications. In this follow-up, dedicated to Gregg and written after his recent death, I provide a brief overview of our 1995 article and then reflect on it in four ways. First, I consider the development of the concept of metacognition prior to 1995, including its emergence and use in previous writings by each co-author. Then, I turn to the collaboration itself, including the interplay of complementary conceptions and the construction of new ideas. Third, I consider the article’s citation history and the role it has played in the subsequent literature. Finally, I discuss research on metacognition since 1995, including subsequent work on epistemic cognition by each of the co-authors.
