Department of Educational Psychology


Document Type


Date of this Version

April 1994


Published in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 27:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 85–99. Copyright © 1994 The Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Inc. Used by permission. “This article may not exactly replicate the fi nal version published in the SEAB journal. It is not the copy of record.”


We examined the effectiveness of self-managed individual and group contingency procedures in improving the completion and accuracy rates of daily mathematics homework assignments. A group of sixth-grade students having homework difficulties in mathematics were selected for the study. There was substantial improvement in the amount of homework completed over baseline for a majority of the students, whereas the results for accuracy were mixed. Students who participated in the self-management training made significant gains on standardized measures of academic achievement and curriculum-based measures of classroom performance. Parents also reported significantly fewer problems associated with homework completion following the intervention. Students who were allowed to select their own performance goals made superior improvements in the number of homework assignments returned compared to students who were given a specified goal by the classroom teacher. Parents, subjects, and the classroom teacher responded positively on consumer satisfaction measures following termination of the study.
