Department of Educational Psychology


Document Type


Date of this Version

January 1992


Published in School Psychology Quarterly, 7:4 (1992), pp. 245–270. Copyright © 1992 American Psychological Association. Used by permission. “This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record.”


This article examines how despite increasing demands and empirical support for consultation, its actual practice in schools continues to be limited. One barrier to the systematic provision of consultation services in the schools may be the lack of applied training provided to preservice individuals in graduate preparation programs. A model of behavioral consultation training which extends previous competency- based programs is presented. Trained five doctoral students in school psychology in behavioral consultation procedures using written manuals, videotape models, behavioral rehearsal, performance feedback, self-monitoring, and generalization training. Following university-based practice with trained consultees and student teachers, consultants were assigned consultation cases with teachers who presented actual cases. Direct observations of consultant skills and client outcomes are presented, as well as consumer satisfaction and consultation acceptability as rated by student teachers and teacher consultees.
