E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship


Date of this Version


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Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship (February 2000) 1(3). ISSN: 1525-321X. Also available at http://southernlibrarianship.icaap.org/content/v01n03/qobose_e01.html.


Copyright 2000, the author. Used by permission.



Liaising at the University of Botswana Library (UBL) is at the heart of all subject librarian activities. It is therefore absolutely essential that we make an effort to maintain a liaison program which will ensure effective communication with all the academic departments for all of the library's services. As liaison librarians, we are academic partners, and should actively participate in the promotion of excellent teaching and research activities. By monitoring curricular and research developments in assigned subject fields, subject librarians develop and maintain library collections for their respective faculties. It is vital that we should always be proactive, and not wait for the faculty to ask since they may never come forth on their own. Brown (1997) reminds us that most academics are very appreciative when librarians visit them in their offices. We should remind ourselves that the benefits are immediate when the library is given a “human face.”
