Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


First Advisor

Qing Hui

Second Advisor

Hamid Vakilzadian

Third Advisor

Ashok Samal

Date of this Version

Summer 5-16-2018

Document Type



Zhou, Y 2018, "Design of A Distributed Real-time E-Health Cyber Ecosystem with Collective Actions: Diagnosis, Dynamic Queueing, and Decision Making", Master of Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfilment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Electrical Engineering, Under the Supervision of Professor Qing Hui. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2018

Copyright 2018 Yanlin Zhou


In this thesis, we develop a framework for E-health Cyber Ecosystems, and look into different involved actors. The three interested parties in the ecosystem including patients, doctors, and healthcare providers are discussed in 3 different phases. In Phase 1, machine-learning based modeling and simulation analysis is performed to remotely predict a patient's risk level of having heart diseases in real time. In Phase 2, an online dynamic queueing model is devised to pair doctors with patients having high risk levels (diagnosed in Phase 1) to confirm the risk, and provide help. In Phase 3, a decision making paradigm is proposed to help regional healthcare providers to logistically rearrange regional medical resources. Therefore, this thesis provides an end-to-end solution on: Health Risk Identification, Risk Level Confirmation, and Regional Health Alert Level Decision Support.

Adviser: Qing Hui
