Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


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2019 Zhan Shu et al.


Hindawi Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2019, Article ID 2074019, 2 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/2074019


While renewable energy, as a part of smart-grid technologies, brings clean energy, it also brings a series of power quality problems. An increasing number of power electronic devices and new smart-grid technologies are used to ensure a safe, reliable, and high-quality operation of the power grid. However, the effectiveness of these control devices and technologies largely depends on the accuracy of the model, the advancement of control methods, and the numerical optimization of the parameters.

This special issue focuses on recent advances in modeling, numerical analysis, control, and optimization of smart grids with some special emphasis on the mathematical problems encountered at any stage of power grid operation. It contains seven papers, the contents of which are summarized as follows.
