Graduate Studies


First Advisor

Peter Olshavsky IV

Date of this Version


Document Type



Cope, Zoë Lynne "Architectural Ghosts: Storytelling and the Architectural Imaginary" Master of Architecture Thesis, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017


A THESIS Presented to the Architecture Faculty of The College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Architecture, Major: Architecture, Under the Supervision of Professor Peter Olshavsky IV. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2017

Copyright (c) 2017 Zoë Lynne Cope


In my various experiences with architecture while studying abroad, designing in studio, travelling, and through work experiences, I have become interested in investigating those peculiar moments wherein architecture seems to evade rational description; where it seems almost as though it is not real.

This project was designed as a means by which to explore those specific though difficult to articulate times wherein the experience of a space seems removed from its representation and articulation. Architectural objects themselves are seemingly only one character in the conditional alignments between the visible and invisible aspects of the social imaginary that generate our understanding of space. Expanding the conception of architecture to include history, culture, and phenomenon encourages greater engagement with designed environments, influencing thoughts, perceptions, experiences, and behaviors in productive and poetic ways.
